Permanent Affilated by Patliputra University,Patna
Recognised by Bar Council of India, New Delhi
The “Bihar Institute of Law” (BIL) has been established by Law Society of Bihar in January 1984. The “Law Society of Bihar” is a registered Society under Societies Registration Act 1860 bearing registration No. 440 of 1983-1984 under Government. of Bihar, established by senior and renowned members of Patna High Court Bar for imparting quality education in law in the state of Bihar. The Bihar Institute of Law had a very modest beginning in 1984 in the campus of Miller School, Patna. The Institute shifted to its own building, at Raja Bazar, Ashiana More, Patna – 800 014 which has been divided as class rooms, Administrative Block, Teacher’s Room, President’s Chamber, Director’s Chamber, Principal’s Chamber, Moot Court Room, Staff Room, General office, Separate Common room for boys and girls, a well equipped Library and separate toilets or boys and girls and also grieenies The main objective of the society was to establish the Bihar Institute of Law to impart quality multi dimensional legal education. Its objective was to prepare students for the diverse world of litigation, law, corporate firms and research as well as to fulfill the legal expectation of people of Bihar by reaching out to them through free legal counseling and legal aid. The Institute is affiliated by the Patliputra University under whose jurisdiction the Institute imparts LL.B. three year and five year degree courses. The Bar Council of India has been granting recognition to this Institute from 1984 onwards.
The Institute is managed by a Governing Body of its own, under the University Act. consisting a members of Bihar Law Society as a donor member. The Governing Body consists of the A President who is the local MLA. The Secretary of the Governing Body Arun Shrivastava is a Senior Advocate of the Patna High Court and was member of the State Bar Council for about last 30 years. The other members of the Governing Body are, one member from nominated by District Magistrate, one member from University, Teacher’s Representative of the college, one member from society (Donor), Principal (Ex-Officio) .
Sri Arun Shrivastava, is the Director of the Institute. There are different committees also running for regularize the administration work as a Disciplinary Committee, Sports Committee, Study Committee, Academic Committee, Library Committee, Cultural Committee, etc in the guidance of Secretary, Director and Principal of the Institute, also running a Legal Aid Clinic in the premise of the college. A first aid clinic also established in the college.
Admission in the college strictly on the basis of Entrance Test conducted by the college in the banner of BILAT.
The Institute is imparting legal education under the guidance of legal luminaries of the State and Country as well as other Universities, Educational Institutes, Scholars who are not only well proficient in legal profession but are men of every high academic order and interest.Time to time in the college, experts of the Legal Field like Eminent Legal Professionals, Judges, and others deliver lectures to the students. Students of this college are also got and received rewards from different Moot Courts conducted by the other college and Universities in national basis.
Library of the College running under a Library Committee having a qualified librarian. The Institute has a rich Law Library having sufficient number of books as per curriculum with reference books and law journals and computers which meets the specific academic requirement of the aspiring professionals and engaged teachers. The Law library has a very spacious reading room facility and remains open for 10 hours on every working day from 8 am to 6 pm in the supervision of a trained Librarian.
The Moot Court, law seminars, Mock Parliament, legal debates are held regularly and are part of the academic routine in the moot court room and big seminar room. students are also sent to participate in the moot competitions in other universities of India.
The Institute keeps itself in close contact with the Hon’ble High Court and Legal Aid Authority in order to keep the students aware with the activities of different agencies working in the field of law & Justice as well as other needy people.
We are going to establish legal aid and counseling cell for ladies and other weaker sections of the society.
We are also launch a Free legal aid clinic named “BIHAR INSTITUTE OF LAW FREE LEGAL AID CLINIC” in Bihar Institute of law campus.
The college regularly sent the students to internship in different organisation such as Legal aid Authority, Patna High Court, Civil Court, Tribunal, Jail etc.
We are established a placement cell for the students and for this purpose big industrial houses are being contacted. We also extend our guidance to the students in choice of career or for new avenues of higher studies besides counseling for appropriate and reachable career goals.
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